Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová
Disobedient Bodies
kurátorka / curated by: Karolina Majewska-Güde
16 November 2024 – 18 January 2025

Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  view from the exhibition Disobedient Bodies, Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová, photo by Jan Kolský
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  view from the exhibition Disobedient Bodies, Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová, photo by Jan Kolský
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  Lenka Klodová, ID, 2007/2024
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  view from the exhibition Disobedient Bodies, Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová, photo by Jan Kolský
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  Ewa Partum, Strój Ślubny (Wedding Attire), 1981
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  view from the exhibition Disobedient Bodies, Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová, photo by Jan Kolský
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  view from the exhibition Disobedient Bodies, Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová, photo by Jan Kolský
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  view from the exhibition Disobedient Bodies, Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová, photo by Jan Kolský
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  Ewa Partum, Marriage Disaster, 1987
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  view from the exhibition Disobedient Bodies, Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová, photo by Jan Kolský
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  Lenka Klodová, Red and Black, 1998, courtesy The Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  Lenka Klodová, Library, 2021/2024
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  view from the exhibition Disobedient Bodies, Ewa Partum & Lenka Klodová, photo by Jan Kolský
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  Ewa Partum, Feminist Quotation (You take away our rights, we will take away your power) 2017/2024, photodocumentation from 2017 installation
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  Ewa Partum, Sniedani na trava (Luncheon on the Grass), 1971, reconstruction of the 1971 performative installation
Ewa Partum, Lenka Klodová, hunt kastner  Ewa Partum, Sniedani na trava (Luncheon on the Grass), 1971, two framed photographs and reconstruction of the 1971 performative installation
hunt kastner s potěšením uvádí výstavu zabývající se praxí dvou feministických umělkyň, Ewy Partum (nar. 1945, Grodzisk Mazowiecki) a Lenky Klodové (nar. 1969, Opava). Přestože se jejich díla vyznačují jinou estetikou, obsahově se obě zaměřují na emancipaci žen od omezení, stereotypů a útlaku. Výstavní projekt se z širšího hlediska soustřeďuje na dobově specifické feministické snahy ve východní a střední Evropě v období socialismu a neoliberalismu a rozehrává činorodý dialog mezi pracemi Partum a Klodové.
hunt kastner is very pleased to present an exhibition that examines the practice of two feminist artists, Ewa Partum (b. 1945, Grodzisk Mazowiecki) and Lenka Klodová (b. 1969, Opava), who share a focus on liberating women from constraints, stereotypes and oppression, albeit working with different aesthetics. From a broader perspective, the exhibition focuses on time-specific feminist struggles in East Central Europe during the periods of socialism and neoliberalism and stages a productive dialogue between the work of Partum and Klodová.
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